sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018

Book - First Review - The Flavours of Love by Dorothy Koomson

So, this is my first review in the blog. I published this in my Goodreads account yesterday. (https://www.goodreads.com/mariainesmbd).


I read this book recently, and it was a quick reading. I read it in 3 or 4 days. 
It's entertaining, but unrealistic. The flirt between Saffron and her daughter's teacher made no sense, due to the circumstances in which they met. And later, the love triangle between her, the teacher and Fynn felt forced as well, considering her husband was Fynn's best friend, was murdered not so long ago and the case was still unresolved. Very cliché.
Basically, I think the book was too long and full of information that wasn't really relevant to the story (e.g Saffron's eating disorder). I feel that Saffron was taking everything that was happening too lightly, specially regarding her daughter's pregnancy. She keeps avoiding the situation and speaks to her like nothing has happened, even though it's a big deal and she's just fourteen.

What happened with Imogen's husband and Phoebe didn't made much sense as well since the baby's father was Curtis after all. It was irritating how Saffron treated her daughter like she was a grown-up, even when she had information about Joel's death.

I didn't like the first-person narration, it had too many long unnecessary descriptions. I think Aunt Betty was the only likable character, but the reason she came to Saffron's place was just stupid. The thriller part was pretty much the only interesting part because although it is revealed in the beginning who killed Joel, it was difficult to predict if the murderer would eventually get caught by Saffron while spying her and it was what kept me going.
I wouldn't recommend this book. I have read other books by this author, My Best Friend's Girl and Marsh
mallows for Breakfast and they're better.
Rate: 2/5

4 comentários:

  1. Olá Inês :)
    Por acaso já ouvi falar deste livro!
    Também utilizo muito o goodreads e, coloquei como meta para este ano de 12 livros, mas certamente lerei mais :)
    Um beijinho :*


    1. Olá :)
      Sim, fizeste bem! Ultrapassarás de certeza esse objetivo :D boas leituras

  2. Bem-vinda :D
    Não li a review porque quero ler o livro sem spoilers... mas fiquei muito triste quando vi a tua classificação no final. Tinha boas expectativas para este =|

    Boas leituras!


    1. Obrigada :) Pois, 2 das reviews que fiz aqui têm spoilers, mas decidi não fazer mais assim..a partir de agora será tudo spoiler free!! Não gostei muito deste, não...Não sei se já leste outros da autora mas o Marshmallows for Breakfast é muito fofinho ^^
