quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2019

Movie - Mid90's from Jonah Hill


This movie follows Stevie, a 13 year old who lives in what I think it's the suburbs of LA with his single mother and older brother. Tired of his family environment and of being bullied by his brother, he wants an escape. When he spots a group of older teenagers skating in front of a skate store, he approaches them and starts hanging out with them. 

Desperately wanting to fit in with the cooler kids, he learns how to skate and starts doing things he wasn't familiar and comfortable with. The group enjoys being with him and they form an unlikely friendship, which is obviously not approved by Stevie's mother and his brother. 

The movie reflects on growing up, the future and having goals. It also shows what alcohol and drugs can do to a young person. I think the main character looked younger than 13, and I found it hard to believe he was actually accepted in a group where only one person was around his age, and the others 17 or so.

The bedroom scene with the older girl was cringe-worthy, and when his mother goes to the store to yell at the other kids saying Stevie was never going to see them again, he just came back the next day like nothing happened. 

There are movies with similar plots, so it brings nothing new. On a positive note I liked the visuals, the movie looked like it was actually filmed in the 90's. The acting was very natural. It's not a long movie and I didn't get bored, but I feel like it's very forgettable.
Rate: 3/5

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