terça-feira, 19 de março de 2019

TV Show - You from Netflix

I've finished watching this show on Netflix yesterday and I loved it! You premiered last year, and so far it has only one season with 10 episodes each from 40 to 50 minutes. It's the perfect binge watch thriller, my kind of shows. 
I didn't know it was adapted from Caroline Kepnes's book with the same name, otherwise I would've read it first!

In this boy meets girl story, Joe Goldberg is a bookstore manager in NYC and Guinevere Beck a cute aspiring writer. One day, she walks into Joe's shop and he's instantly obsessed with her. Beck tells him her name and with the help of social media, Joe finds everything about her - her interests, her shallow girl friends, where she lives and where she's at. The opposite from him, who's mysterious and holds secrets from his past, specially concerning his ex-girlfriend Candace and his childhood.

Although they're different, they found a common interest in literature and he's determined to do anything to secure his future with her - even if it means doing dangerous and risky things to supposedly protect and make her happier. In Joe's head, Beck needs to be saved.

Even though Joe's a complete stalker, he alternates between his sociopath persona and the typical nice guy so well it was hard to hate his character. He's runs the bookshop smoothly, gets along with his co-worker and helps his neighbor's son Paco when he's afraid of his drunken stepfather. Beck is naive, afraid of letting others down, and often oblivious of what's happening around her.

This show gives an interesting look on modern technology and the consequences of online exposure. It has some flaws - Beck didn't even have curtains on her window and Joe, from outside, could see all she was doing in her living room. It was exaggerated. And sometimes he was so close to her in the streets and still wasn't caught. The characters are stereotypical but well portrayed. The ending was not a surprise because I've accidentally read a spoiler a few days ago but I think it's quite easy to guess what will happen when reaching a certain point in the story.

The show has been renewed and season 2 is premiering this year, also based on the sequel book by the same author, Hidden Bodies.
I'm not sure if I'm going to read it or wait for the new season of the show instead. I'm really curious though, so I might give it a go. 
Rate: 4.5/5

3 comentários:

  1. I've heard many great things about both the book and the TV show. Glad you enjoyed it so much!

  2. Eu tenho imensa curiosidade de ver a série! Já tinha visto o trailer e admito que me pôs a curiosidade aos saltos e com a tua pontuação e opinião acredito que valha a pena ver!! Admito que não seja o meu estilo mas, às vezes à que experimentar algo diferente!

    Não sabia que era adaptado de um livro!


  3. Quero muito ler o livro antes de ver a série. Tenho imensa curiosidade :D


