quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2019

Book - Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney


When starting reading this book, there are 3 things we learn:
1. I’m in a coma. 
2. My husband doesn’t love me anymore. 
3. Sometimes I lie. 

Amber, a 35-year-old radio presenter, wakes up in a hospital bed. Although everybody thinks she's in a coma, she can hear the voices of the nurses, her husband, Paul, and her sister, Claire, but she can't move or speak to them. Amber doesn't remember why she is there, but she has a suspicion her husband is involved in it. 

The narrative goes back and forth between the present, in which Amber is paralyzed, the days before the incident that put her in the hospital and the pages of childhood diaries. We learn that she is at war with her boss, Madeline, and is doing everything she can to make her leave the radio show. We also find out that Paul is hiding something from her and that Claire was her parents' favorite child, making her feel neglected growing up. We also get to know someone from Amber's past, someone she hasn't seen in many years. 

We know that Amber, as a self-proclaimed liar, is an unreliable narrator and her current state of being high on drugs and partially amnesiac only adds up to the situation.

But slowly, she regains her memory and the truth, or at least the truth given by Amber's perspective, begins to unfold. Is Amber and her sister who they say they are? Who is that someone and what's their part in this story? Is there more about Madeline than just a work dispute? And above all, why is Amber lying in a hospital bed?

Sometimes I Lie is a slap in the face. I felt claustrophobic by Amber's descriptions of being awake but unable to move and wished I could shake her off and make her respond to people. 

The beginning is a bit dull due to the rambling between work situations and present-day illusions and familiar conversations. However, it's only a matter of time until the story gets very interesting and full of unpredictable twists. 

This book left me feeling so confused I ended up reading other people's interpretations. Considering how the story ended I think it can definitely continue in a sequel and would turn out perfectly in a movie as well!
Rate: 4.5/5

8 comentários:

  1. Ooh I do love a good mystery. I'm glad to hear you really enjoyed this one.


  2. Olá, Maria Inês!
    Acho interessante o seu blog e, vejo que temos algo em comum, ou seja, os livros e os filmes :)
    Gostei muito de conhecer o seu espaço :)
    Um beijinho grande :*


  3. When I got my wisdom teeth out I twilighted (I could hear and feel everything they did but was under and couldn't move) so this book seems terrifying to me!

    1. Oh that sounds really scary :/ When I got mine out I only had a local!

  4. all everybody lie, i love your post, and the book it's interesting.

    I wish you a nice weekend, xx
