quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2019

Movie - Welcome to Me from Shira Piven

Welcome to Me follows Alice, a 40-something woman diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. She wakes up everyday at 12h15, plays the lottery every week, and is so obsessed with Oprah Winfrey, she memorized many of the show's episodes. She is very socially awkward and the only people in her life are Gina, her best friend since middle school, Ted, her gay ex-husband and his partner, her old parents, and Dr. Daryl, her therapist. 

One day, Alice wins the lottery: 86 million dollars. Then she moves to a casino, stop taking her meds, and decides to pay 15 million for her own show at a television station struggling with audiences and profits.

Alice's show is all about her - what she eats, traumatic events from her past and conflicts with the people she knew, all presented in a nonsensical way. She is caught up in a bubble of fame and fortune and due to her mental illness she isn't aware of the harm she is doing to everyone around her. Nonetheless she is able to raise the audiences.

This movie is odd and peculiar and not like anything I've seen before. It never gets boring and I kept wondering what was going to happen next. It's not a movie for everyone, as it is a spiral of craziness and some shocking scenes. I enjoyed watching it, however I felt that Alice looked more autistic than someone with BPD. Her behavior was too over the top and some scenes made me cringe, but overall it's worth the watch.
Rate: 3.5/5

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