sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2019

Book - The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

Cover of The Husband's Secret, book by Liane Moriarty.png

"My darling Cecilia, if you’re reading this, then I’ve died..."

The first book I've read by this author was What Alice Forgot and I enjoyed it, so I decided to read another one. 

This book focus on the lives of 3 different Australian women. Cecilia and Rachel both live in Sydney and Tess lives in Melbourne. Cecilia is a 40-something happily married mom of 3 young daughters. Tess is a slightly younger woman from Melbourne whose husband's said he's in love with her best friend, who happens to be her cousin. After learning this, Tess moves to Sydney with her son to be closer to her mother. Rachel is a school secretary in her 60's and her daughter, Janie, was murdered in the 80's by an unknown killer. She lives everyday in deep pain and becomes obsessed with the thought that a school teacher, who was the last one to be seen with Janie, killed her.

One of Cecilia's daughters has an obsession with the Berlin Wall, and she told her daughter she had a piece of the Wall in the attic, from when she was there many years ago. She went to the attic to get it and instead she found a letter in a envelope from her husband who wrote to only open it at the event of his death. She later confronted him and he begged her not to open. She couldn't resist her curiosity and she did it. What she found a very shocking and life changing fact for the 3 women and the others evolved.

I really liked this story. Although the mystery of the letter is revealed not so far ahead in the book, the big revelations are not made until the very end, and the final part was bittersweet. I feel it all was well put together, except the events and all the details concerning Tess, which I think it had little to do with the main focus of the story. I could connect with the indecisions and doubts of the characters. It explores love, loss, guilt, revenge and ethic behavior. 
Have you read it? If you have read and enjoyed more books like this one, tell me in the comments. :)
Rate: 4.5/5 

4 comentários:

  1. I've never read this one, but it does sound really good. I'm glad you thought it was done well!!


  2. I have this on my shelf! I really need to get to it!

  3. Nice review Inês! Amazing blog by the way.
